What Are Some Conditions That May Lead to Probation Violation Charges?

Cream Section Separator
Cream Section Separator

Quitting a job without cause.


Testing positive for the use of drugs or alcohol.


Cream Section Separator
Cream Section Separator

 Traveling to another state or outside the geographic area set forth in the probation order.


Arrest or conviction for any criminal activity.


Cream Section Separator
Cream Section Separator

Failing to attend or complete community service or court-ordered rehab or counseling.


If there is no surviving spouse, child or parent of the deceased, the entire estate will be divided equally among any surviving siblings

Cream Section Separator
Cream Section Separator

What Are the Potential Consequences of Violating Probation in Texas?

What Constitutes a Violation of Probation? What Happens If You Are Found To Have Violated the Terms of Your Probation?